
Delete objects in this order. Service > Cluster > Remote State > Environment > Project


planeo delete help

Delete service

planeo delete service --name <service name> --project <project name> --env <environment name> --cluster <cluster name>

Note: This operation usually takes about 5 minutes. Keep an eye on your email for status. Do not move on to deleting the cluster until all your services have been deleted


planeo delete service --name simple-python --project analytics --env dev --cluster devcluster

deleting service: simple-python
action id: 642d3cd4-4a7c-4868-a58a-d5d4400618b6
service deletion in progress. hang tight, wait for our email!

Delete cluster

planeo delete cluster --name <cluster name> --project <project name> --env <environment name>

Note: This operation usually takes about 45 minutes. Keep an eye on your email for status. Do not move on deleting the remote state until all your clusters have been deleted


planeo delete cluster --name devcluster --project analytics -env dev 

deleting cluster: devcluster
action id: 2deeec35-30ea-4d26-8c77-259ba3a45528
infra deletion in progress. hang tight, wait for our email!

Delete remote state

Deletes environment too when remotestate is deleted ( assuming no clusters are running )

planeo delete remotestate --project <project name> --env <environment name>

Note: This operation automatically deletes the environment as well and usually takes about 5 minutes. Keep an eye on your email for status


planeo delete remotestate --project analytics --env dev

deleting remotestate for: Env=dev
action id: 6ce4457b-5e4d-4c4f-9b6c-252a33ddc407
remotestate deletion in progress. hang tight, wait for our email!

Delete environment

Deletes environment when remote state does not already exist

planeo delete environment --name <environment name> --project <project name>

Note: Do not move on deleting the project until all your environments have been deleted


planeo delete environment --name dev --project analytics

remotestate does not exist. deleting environment: dev
environment deleted successfully.

Delete project

planeo delete project --name <project name>


planeo delete project --name analytics

deleting project: analytics
project deleted successfully.

Last updated